Scenarios in Self-Defense
When an Acquaintance Becomes an Assailant



BPS Communications

Scenarios in Self-Defense
When an Acquaintance Becomes an Assailant

Streaming video from

Presented by Anita Bendickson and Mary Brandl,

This streaming video is produced by BPS Communications. It is very useful for both the martial artist and non-martial artist.  The presenters are Anita Bendickson and Mary Brandl. Both instructors with the Midwest Karate Association. They have worked together since 1981 to develop the course presented here.

When an Acquaintance becomes an Assailant
Statistics show that a large percentage of attackers are known to the victim before the crime. Dealing with acquaintance situations can be very difficult. This streaming video helps you sort out the confusion and conflicting emotions associated with acquaintance situations. Learning to trust your feelings and acting early in uncomfortable circumstances in acquaintance situations is covered.